Magic Items


Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This whistle is carved from transparent crystal, and it resembles a tiny dragon curled up like a snail. The name Nightcaller is etched on the whistle in Dwarvish runes - the duergar made several such whistles for various groups in an age past.
If you blow the whistle in darkness or under the night sky, it allows you to cast the animate dead spell. The target can be affected through up to 10 feet of soft earth or similar material, and if it is, it takes 1 minute to claw its way to the surface to serve you. Once the whistle has animated an undead creature, it can't do so again until 7 days have passed.
Once every 24 hours, you can blow the whistle to reassert control over one or two creatures you animated with it.

Dagger Of Regeneration

Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement)
This dagger has a white bone handle of unknown origin, inlaid with a red gem of unknown type. The blade is thin, but sturdy and razor sharp. It does, however, feel a little unbalanced in a trained hand.
The dagger has a penalty (-1) to hit but no impact to damage compared with a normal dagger, but scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20. If it lands a critical hit in a melee or ranged attack, it does maximum damage (i.e. 8 + bonuses). In addition, if used in melee, a critical hit will also restore 4hp to the wielder.
It works as a magical weapon in normal use too, so things resistant to non-magical weapons are affected by this one.


Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
An impressive longsword, with a silver pommel with writhing dragons engraved on it. A colourless gemstone is inlaid in the pommel.
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage with this magic weapon.It also deals an additional 1d6 damage to the target. However, when it hits, it also deals 1d4 damage to the wielder, as the effect engulfs the entire weapon – HOWEVER note that the wielder is resistant to that damage, so this will become 0-2 damage. When you attune to this weapon, you can choose what type of additional damage you deal – choose from the following – note that once attuned, the colour of the gem in the pommel changes based on the type of damage chosen. In addition, whilst attuned to the sword (regardless of whether it is wielded or not, but it does need to be carried), the sword confers resistance to that sort of damage, but also gives vulnerability to the opposite (in italics) form of damage:
Fire (red) - vulnerable to cold
Cold (white) - vulnerable to fire
Acid (black) - vulnerable to necrotic
Poison (green) - vulnerable to psychic
Lightning (blue) - vulnerable to thunder
If you wish to change the type of the additional damage, you need to re-attune to the weapon, which takes a short rest to un-attune, and a second short rest to re-attune.
In addition, any hit by this weapon that reduces the target to 0hp or less will kill the target outright – it cannot be used to incapacitate a target

Twilight Glasses

Wondrous item, uncommon (no attunement needed)
These glasses are tinted, looking a little like sunglasses, with dark metal, possibly iron, rims.
When worn, the glasses allow the wearer to see 30’ in darkness as if it were dim light (note – DIS on perception checks). They have no effect in dim light (i.e. not as good as having darkvision). They act as simple sunglasses in bright light (i.e. turn it into dim light – DIS on perception). So basically, when worn, ALL light is dim light.
If used by someone who already has darkvision, they appear to be normal sunglasses.
NOTE: putting on and taking off these glasses will take a round to allow for the time taken for the wearer’s eyes to adjust to the new light. During this time the wearer acts as if blinded.