Extract from Tree Cultivation Journal

It looks like this note is the last page of some sort of journal, but the rest of it is missing...

... continues to only produce primary fruit at the solstices, though some seeds can be obtained from the intermediary fruit (though not all of these seeds are fertile, and the fruit has no beneficial properties).
I have made good progress in my attempts to improve the yield. Goblin blood each month ensures the primary fruits are ripe at each solstice, as documented earlier, and I continue to provide her with such blood to maintain this. Maybe I should try Human, Halfling or even Elven blood monthly next year? I will have to find a better source though the village will get suspicious otherwise.
My experiments over the last few years to use virginal blood between the two fruits production seemed to guarantee that BOTH red and white fruit are produced at the following solstice, rather than the previously getting only one at each. Finding a virginal Goblin is tough however this year I am trying a virginal Halfling (much easier to find, though much more risky). She should be absorbed within the next day or so. The red fruit is already ripe - I expect to see the results of this experiment at the winter solstice. Maybe it will bear two of each next time?
Seeds from the primary fruits continue to be spread far and wide, and seem to reproduce quite rapidly. I am almost at my required target already, well in advance of The Cleansing. If I continue at this rate, the plants will be more than ready when the Black Sun arrives. The Order will be pleased!