Belak's Orders

(This note is written in the common script):

Neophyte of the First Circle,
  You are aware that we have cracked the ability to use druidic circles, thanks in part to your help in sharing some of the Secrets of the Druids.
Enclosed is your amulet. You must attune to this and wear it whilst touching the keystone in any circle. Speak the druidic name of your destination circle and keep touching the keystone during the transportation process. Ensure you keep touching, or wearing, all that you wish to be transported with you.
Be discreet! We do not wish others to know we have this power!
Your contact is the Aspirant of the Second Circle. They can be found near the Corin-heim circle. Travel at night or your appearance may be noticed that circle is not hidden from prying eyes. Continue to pass on your tree sap via your contact it has proved useful to other members in their work.
Your job is clear. Continue your late master’s work. Protect the tree, and spread her blighted children far and wide. Be ready for The Cleansing. The time of the Black Sun is near at hand. The work of your Brothers and Sisters remains vital to our success.