
Showing posts from July, 2019

Beholder Group - "The Blind Leading The Blind" - Fallen Fortress Session 9

29 th July 2019, 7:45 – 12:15pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +10. End of session, Midsummer’s day +10. Our “Heroes” face a difficult decision. Whether to head east through a door to the north of them, or south-west through a rift in the earth. Not only that, but the DM threw a spanner in the works by informing them of a door right next to them that they hadn’t managed to spot (nothing to do with the DM forgetting to tell them about it….) They decide to press on eastwards. Devon can’t hear anything at the door, so throws it open with abandon, only to see that it opens into a small, seemingly empty, room with a door in the opposite wall. Empty rooms immediately arouse suspicion in this group. Especially small ones. They spend what seems like hours (actually just minutes) searching the walls and floors for traps, buttons, knobs, electronic control panels and the like. To no avail. It does indeed seem like a small, empty room. Devon listens at the

Belak's Orders

(This note is written in the common script): Neophyte of the First Circle,   You are aware that we have cracked the ability to use druidic circles, thanks in part to your help in sharing some of the Secrets of the Druids. Enclosed is your amulet. You must attune to this and wear it whilst touching the keystone in any circle. Speak the druidic name of your destination circle and keep touching the keystone during the transportation process. Ensure you keep touching, or wearing, all that you wish to be transported with you. Be discreet! We do not wish others to know we have this power! Your contact is the Aspirant of the Second Circle. They can be found near the Corin-heim circle. Travel at night or your appearance may be noticed – that circle is not hidden from prying eyes. Continue to pass on your tree sap via your contact – it has proved useful to other members in their work. Your job is clear. Continue your late master’s work. Protect the tree, and spread her blight

Extract from Tree Cultivation Journal

It looks like this note is the last page of some sort of journal, but the rest of it is missing... ... continues to only produce primary fruit at the solstices, though some seeds can be obtained from the intermediary fruit (though not all of these seeds are fertile, and the fruit has no beneficial properties). I have made good progress in my attempts to improve the yield. Goblin blood each month ensures the primary fruits are ripe at each solstice, as documented earlier, and I continue to provide her with such blood to maintain this. Maybe I should try Human, Halfling or even Elven blood monthly next year? I will have to find a better source though – the village will get suspicious otherwise. My experiments over the last few years to use virginal blood between the two fruits production seemed to guarantee that BOTH red and white fruit are produced at the following solstice, rather than the previously getting only one at each. Finding a virginal Goblin is tough however – th

Article on Druidic Stone Circles


Beholder Group - "Dwarrow's (T)Rusty Warhammer" - Fallen Fortress Session 8

22 nd July 2019, 7:30 – 11:00pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +9. End of session, Midsummer’s day +10. Having levelled up to level 3, our “Heroes” spend the day in Oakhurst performing levelling-up type tasks: communing with patrons and gods, practising new-found spellcasting skills and going out to hunt a bear. It’s also market day in Oakhurst, and, despite it being a little subdued – what with the recent disappearance of Bella, and the threat of a dragon nearby, the party manage to get a decent price for some of their jewellery-type items that they would not have otherwise managed in the Oakhurst shops, and they stock up on a couple of healing potions. Devon also conjures up an Owl as a familiar, in preparation for the night time travelling ahead. Alwaith makes the very-sensible-at-the-time decision that Dragonsboon should inflict acid damage, although the downside of being vulnerable to necrotic damage would prove to be a stroke of bad luck later.

Beholder Group - "The end of Meepo?" - Fallen Fortress Session 7

15 th July 2019, 7:30 – 11:45pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +7. End of session, Midsummer’s day +9. Fresh from battle, our “Heroes” are keen to strip this place bare of anything valuable, and most things non-valuable. First they have a chat with the captured kobolds, asking them if they know much about the layout of the place. The kobolds are cautiously grateful for their release, and pass on any information that they know, which isn’t very much – unsurprisingly, as they are prisoners after all. There's a brief pause, where Drogan tries his wily charms on the caged goblin female, who doesn’t seem to speak common, and for some unknown reason seems resistant to Drogan’s charisma. So they leave her where she is. Caged. The party head back to the goblin ‘throne room’ and check out the other doors. One appears to be barred, so Drogan charges it, smashing through it and landing on the floor. Looking up, he sees in the order of 20 goblins looking

Magic Items

Nightcaller Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This whistle is carved from transparent crystal, and it resembles a tiny dragon curled up like a snail. The name Nightcaller is etched on the whistle in Dwarvish runes -  the duergar made several such whistles for various groups in an age past. If you blow the whistle in darkness or under the night sky, it allows you to cast the animate dead spell. The target can be affected through up to 10 feet of soft earth or similar material, and if it is, it takes 1 minute to claw its way to the surface to serve you. Once the whistle has animated an undead creature, it can't do so again until 7 days have passed. Once every 24 hours, you can blow the whistle to reassert control over one or two creatures you animated with it. Dagger Of Regeneration Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement) This dagger has a white bone handle of unknown origin, inlaid with a red gem of unknown type. The blade is thin, but

Beholder Group - "Any Old Iron, Any Old Iron" - Fallen Fortress Session 6

1 st July 2019, 7:30 – 11:30pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +6. End of session, Midsummer’s day +7. Our “Heroes” have just managed to open a secret door into an unknown chamber, having run away from strategically retreated from a goblinoid fight a short time previously. Whilst Devon checked out the door, and doorway, for traps, and Alwaith and Dwarrowsteel looked around the room, Drogan “Steptoe” Saltbeard tried to work out how to smash the 10 foot stone dragon statue away from the wall, with a view to stripping the ancient, revered building of all its treasures, fixtures and fittings. Worthy of a true Victorian explorer. As the party prepare to press on into areas unexplored, Dwarrowsteel hears some lone footsteps coming from the passageway they came from, followed by a familiar screech, which is cut worryingly short. Dwarrow rushes out to see Meepo, lying on the floor, an arrow protruding from his neck. As he runs over to Spare the Dying