Beholder Group - "Quick. I accidentally shot an eagle." Session 11 - Devon's Mission

2nd Sep 2019, 7:45 – 11:15pm
In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Flamerule 28th. End of session, Eleasis 2nd.

Our Heroes are preparing to head out from Oakhurst and help Devon in his desire to help a friend of a friend with a simple mission to escort a VIP from the nearby town of Flint Rock to a place just outside the town.

As they settle down to their last breakfast in the Ol’ Boar Inn, Drogan, bored with studying maps, glances up to spot the face of a Kobold peering in through the window. In an uncharacteristic (and unlikely to be repeated) show of restraint, he stays his axe-hand long enough to see that it is not Meepo, but another Kobold.

Rushing out to grab him, they almost bump into each other at the doorway as the Kobold enters as Drogan runs out. The Kobold hands over a pouch, apparently from Yussi, and then runs away as Drogran tries to grab him, roughly. The pouch does indeed contain a Thank You note from Yussi, some money, and a gift of a feather – which Dwarrow detects as conjuration magic.

Heading out of town, the first night is interrupted during Drogan’s watch by an eagle-type bird alighting on a nearby branch. Back to form Drogan shot it. In a show of some regret, he then quickly roused Dwarrowsteel from his slumber, who just about managed to revive the poor bird before it completely passed away. It flew off, but not before Drogan had recovered a note from its leg, the contents of which Drogan kept to himself.

As they approached the town of Flint Rock it was getting dark, so they camped out one last time. Alwaith spotted a mysterious pale figure off in the woods, about 100yds away. The following morning they investigated (eventually! Not before filling up on breakfast – Drogan has shown himself to be an excellent cook) and discovered a small, abandoned campsite. Devon spotted some tracks leading away, seemingly a couple of figures being dragged away, and the signs of blood and a scuffle. Drogan identified some marks on the ground as representing an ambush plan for a location just along from where the party had camped. The group followed the tracks, but they led to a small clearing where they seemed to disappear, replaced by horse tracks leading off in the direction of Flint Rock.

They check that an ambush doesn’t happen, then head into town.

Flint Rock is in full swing – a carnival is in town! Drogan informs a member of the Watch of their findings on the trail, then joins the others at the carnival. At the target range both Devon and Dwarrowsteel fail abysmally in hitting a large balloon in the centre of a target, when Drogan takes a shot and hits almost dead-centre. He wins a little cuddly toy white dragon, that he promptly names Calcryx.

Drogan then tries his strength in an arm-wrestling contest with an Ogre named Gorgeous George, and surprises the surrounding crowd by winning easily – helped in some part by his raging beforehand.

Alwaith goes on his own into the large tent at the centre, and finds it full of strange and impressive creatures – a goblin, an Ettin, a Hook Horror, a Hell Hound, a sabre-toothed tiger, a dinosaur and, lastly, a BEHOLDER!!

Meeting up back at the beer tent, the party proceed to get a little tipsy, and to wander around listening out for interesting rumours.

As they are about to leave the tent, Drogan accidentally spills the drink of a rather drunk looking dwarf. The other dwarf’s friends step in to try to avoid a fight, but Devon doesn’t spot the Halfling planting some jewellery on him. At that moment an officer of the Watch appears, with a noble female dwarf, and accuses them all of stealing her jewellery – in asking them to turn out their pockets the planted jewellery is found, and that, coupled with the fact that the officer seems to have a pretty detailed description of Devon, Drogan and Dwarrowsteel, meant they got arrested. Drogan just about manages to stop himself from fighting the entire region’s Watch.

Locked in the Stockade, the party contemplate their fate. They are likely to be here for at least 3 days, until the Magistrate returns to town, and the evidence against them seems quite strong, despite the fact that they know they did not do the crime.

Whilst in the cells, relieved of their possessions, they speak to the two other prisoners – Erky Timbers, who happens to be the gnome they have come here to escort, but who, it turns out, has been arrested for embezzling a number of locals of money. He is also petrified of the Little Fingers, who are the people Devon is planning to deliver Erky to. Erky is not sure if he is safer in prison rather than being handed to the Little Fingers.

The other prisoner is Wendel Tallspire, who was recently arrested for killing and apparently trying to EAT his friend and colleague, Elton, whilst working in the sewers. Wendel is depressed and remorseful and has no memory of the incident at all. He has said goodbye to his family, and is expecting a very bad verdict at his trial when the Magistrate returns.

After some hours of talking, they hear a loud commotion coming from outside and a Watch guard rushes in and tells the other guards to come quickly – they are needed urgently outside. One guard, Greyal, is left on their level and the other guards rush out.

And so we leave our Heroes, locked up for a crime they didn’t commit, with an unknown disturbance happening outside, unsure how, and whether, to escape, and how, and if, they should complete their task to deliver Erky to the Little Fingers, knowing that they may kill him.