Session 66 - So Far, So Good (Except for Sanada, Perhaps!)

Wed 31st May 2023

In-game timeline: UNKNOWN (2nd day in the Shadowfell)

Our "Heroes" are trying to hide from a group of undead guards, behind a small pile of boulders in an otherwise empty cavern. Unsurprisingly, their hiding place did not last long. However, they did manage to gain surprise on the creatures.

The battle lasted longer than they usually do for this party. Using some area control in the form of Sickening Radiance, Silence and Entangle, they manage to prevent themselves from being overwhelmed, and Faith's healing abilities proved useful enough to give them a little breathing space.

They came a little unstuck when, after managing to get away from the initial attacks, our "Heroes" decided to return to finish the job. However, as soon as Sanada opened the door to the next cavern, she was set upon by a number of small dog-like creatures that Alwaith had come across before, known as Wretched. They proved her undoing, as , alone, she was unable to fight them all off and they brought her down - primarily due to also being hit by a Hold Person spell at the same time.

The party now needed to contend with more undead in the next room, the pack of Wretched who threatened to feast upon Sanada's unconscious body, and trying to bring Sanada back from the brink.

With some careful planning and some good fortune, our heroes did manage to take down most of the enemies. And to keep Sanada alive, though no before she was brought down for a second time and thus suffers from three levels of exhaustion. Their skill and prowess managed to scare off the last of the creatures, and another that seemed to be running over to join the fight, and our "Heroes" watched as the two fleeing creatures disappeared down a hole in the ground. With that direction seeming to be the likely next place to go, Solveig decides to conjure up some animals to help them out, as the group are getting a little low on spells. Unfortunately in the heat of battle he managed to conjure some shadowy black bears - perfect for most underground battles, but perhaps not best suited for climbing down ladders.

And so we leave our "Heroes" mid-battle, with no obvious enemies in sight, though the knowledge that at least two have got away, and perhaps warned whatever else may be waiting for them down below…