Session 69 - What a Nightmare!


Wed 12th July 2023

In-game timeline: UNKNOWN (4th day in the Shadowfell)

Our "Heroes" have the best night's sleep they have had so far in the Shadowfell - though that is not saying much. The following morning they are transported as promised to the edge of Evernight by the ravens of the Raven Queen.

Evernight looks a miserable city. A twisted reflection of Neverwinter, but without the colour, the gaiety or the bustling nature. And with a flow of lava through the centre of the city where Neverwinter has a (vaguely) clean river.

Wanting to make good progress to avoid more punishing rests in this plane, our "Heroes" walk to the city walls and enter through one of the dilapidated gates. After a little wandering, Alwaith asks someone for directions to the Portal Guild and receives on a gruff, pointed indication in response. Walking for another 30 minutes in that direction leads to nothing useful so Alwaith asks another and this time gets some more useful directions.

They end up at a well-guarded warehouse and, using the token that was given to them by the Raven Queen, gain entry and an audience with the Portal Guild, led by a female elf named Eharthill. In the room with her are some familiar people to Alwaith, though they do not know him. Milo Bottlebanks, great-grandfather of Alwaith's previous companion Devon, is here with other members of his adventuring band. More significantly, a Shadar-Kai in the corner is introduced as Quinlen, who happens to be Alwaith's father.

Alwaith describes briefly the reason why they are here, but highlights that he cannot reveal too much for fear of changing the future too significantly. He does hint so heavily to Quinlen that he is the Shadar-Kai's future son and continues to drop titbits of information, including to Milo, that the other members of the party wonder how different the future will be when and if they ever get back to it. However, since none of them know the full story of Milo Bottlebanks, or even very much about Alwaith, they hold their tongues.

Eharthill explains that they too are keen to get some information from "Lord" Graysing and in fact sent two agents to visit him in his manor house two days ago, but are worried as they have heard nothing from them since. She knows nothing about the Vessel, but seeks information on a missing ally - a silver dragon named Agratheron - someone who seems to be known to Alwaith, though he does not let on to the Portal Guild.

The Portal Guild agree to help the party in their quest and will provide a coach and drivers to take them to Graysing Manor. They also provide 2000gp to cover potential payment for information both on the Vessel and, if they can gain any, information regarding the whereabouts of Agratheron.

The party decide to set off as quickly as possible, receiving with gratitude a healing potion offered by one of the guards, rather than waiting for more to be purchased by the Guild from the market. They ride in the carriage offered, ridden by a "friendly" zombie named Bones, and a second driver - a human named Darnell, who has a daughter, Poppy, who works at the manor, but from whom he has heard nothing for two days and he is getting worried.

The party travel through the streets of Evernight, keeping a low profile as they pass the dread, spirit-laden Deadlake, and traverse the ghoul-ridden streets of the Undead area before getting to the area containing Grasing's Manor.

As they get closer to the manor, they start to see strange sights in the unnatural fog that seems to pervade this area - strangely so, according to Darnell. Weird visions that seem more like nightmares than even the unusual inhabitants of this strange city.

Approaching the manor gates, Darnell seems spooked by something he sees and he drives the horses faster and faster towards the manor. He loses control and the carriage crashes into the fountain in the courtyard and overturns, trapping Faith, Solveig and Sanada inside, whilst Alwaith, who was riding outside, it thrown from the carriage, along with Bones. Darnell is trapped beneath the carriage, unconscious, but unable to move.

As Alwaith looks into the foggy courtyard he makes out some strange figures - diseased rats, the size of humans and walking on two legs, with unusual attire - top hat and tails, a lab coat and one with riding jodhpurs. As Sanada emerges from the carriage and the two of them contemplate whether what they are seeing is a vision - shared or otherwise - the rats mention "fresh meat" and approach to attack!

The rats are hard to beat. And they are not really rats. They attempt (and often succeed) to inspire fear in any they strike, and cause considerable psychic damage. Sanada manages to avoid falling unconscious and indeed scores some useful hits on the creatures. Faith flies above the ground to direct his spiritual weapon and healing to the others, which works well, though is surprised when one of the rats flies up to him to attack. Alwaith is set upon and is damaged hard, and then becomes convinced that he is unable to use his weapons or armour in the battle, which causes him some problems. But Solveig bears the brunt of the horrors. He conjures four warhorses to help in the battle, and indeed the horses score some hits on the creatures, but then Solveig is damaged and loses his concentration, causing the summoned creatures to disappear. Solveig falls twice during the battle, but manages to recover, though now suffers two levels of exhaustion. One by one the four enemies fall, though not before causing considerable harm upon the party.

Eventually the last of the nightmares disappears and the party regather to discuss their next steps. The faint light from the open doors of the Manor beckons…