Beholder Group - "No Man, Woman or Beast Left Alive" Devon's Mission Session 14
19th Sep 2019, 7:45 – 11:30pm In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleasis 2nd. End of session, Eleasis 12th. Exhausted after a gruelling battle with three Wretched, and an abomination named Goldie Chadstone, our “Heroes” are spending some time recovering – Dwarrowsteel is resuscitating and healing an unconscious Ripley, Alwaith is casting some healing-type incantations on himself and Drogan is busy chopping the arms and head off of the body of Goldie….. “just in case”. Devon heads towards Brace’s room to check it out. All of a sudden, Dwarrow, Devon and Ripley fall into a deep sleep. Looking up from their activities, the remaining Alwaith and Drogan spot Brace walking towards them, tears streaming down his gaunt face. It seems that Drogan’s ‘sailors-hands’ let him down in tying up the surprisingly strong dwarf earlier, and he managed to escape! As they prepare their weapons to fight, Drogan is suddenly filled with a sense of love and respect for poor Brace. Drogan sees ...