
Showing posts from September, 2019

Beholder Group - "No Man, Woman or Beast Left Alive" Devon's Mission Session 14

19th Sep 2019, 7:45 – 11:30pm In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleasis 2nd. End of session, Eleasis 12th. Exhausted after a gruelling battle with three Wretched, and an abomination named Goldie Chadstone, our “Heroes” are spending some time recovering – Dwarrowsteel is resuscitating and healing an unconscious Ripley, Alwaith is casting some healing-type incantations on himself and Drogan is busy chopping the arms and head off of the body of Goldie….. “just in case”. Devon heads towards Brace’s room to check it out. All of a sudden, Dwarrow, Devon and Ripley fall into a deep sleep. Looking up from their activities, the remaining Alwaith and Drogan spot Brace walking towards them, tears streaming down his gaunt face. It seems that Drogan’s ‘sailors-hands’ let him down in tying up the surprisingly strong dwarf earlier, and he managed to escape! As they prepare their weapons to fight, Drogan is suddenly filled with a sense of love and respect for poor Brace. Drogan sees

Beholder Group - "HOW many arms??!!" - Devon's Mission Session 13

16th Sep 2019, 8:00 – 12:15pm In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleasis 2nd. End of session, Eleasis 2nd. Our Heroes stand beneath a trapdoor leading up from the sewers into Chadstone Manor, in the hope of finding the source of apparent ‘evil’ in the town, as well as to escape from the Stockade. They head up and find themselves in a larder, which leads into a large kitchen. All the windows are shuttered from the outside, and only a small part of the kitchen seems to be used – the rest, like much of the remainder of the manor, is in a state of disrepair. As they enter the manor itself, a wave of despair, loneliness and hunger sweeps over the group. Devon, Ripley and Drogan all succumb to this and feel a sense of misery that seems to affect them in quite a negative manner. The group decide to leave Erky tied up in the larder when they caught him trying to sneak out of the window that Drogan had opened. Heading into the main hallway, it is obvious that this manor belon

A Promise to my Beloved


Brace's Lab Tables


Beholder Group - "Awww, a sweet little doggy. SHIT!" - Session 12 Devon's Mission

10th Sep 2019, 7:45 – 11:15pm In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleasis 2nd. End of session, Eleasis 3rd. We join our Heroes locked in a prison cell in a town called Flint Rock, accused of something they didn’t do, with a hubbub of unknown origin going on outside. As they discuss next steps, and work out how to escape their predicament, a very loud “Thud!” is heard from upstairs, and the lone guard, Greyal, heads upstairs to investigate. Devon seizes his chance, summons Nige, and sends Nige out hopping (? Why hopping? He’s an OWL!) into the corridor and round into the now empty office. Nige spots a set of keys hanging on the wall, and with a flourish of great dexterity Nige lifts the keys off their hook and drops them into Devon, who quickly lets himself and the other members of the party out of the cells. Bumping into a very flustered Greyal, they attempt to convince him to let them help out with the current situation outside – it seems some of the ‘monsters’ in the

Lab Journal

Lab Journal 4 Day 426 I captured some more wretched today. Had to open the portal long enough to bait them through – luckily it doesn’t take long, though I’m sure one day I’ll have another incident like before. The wretched don’t seem to be very affected by the Halfling blood I used before. Will wait until I have some elvish blood to see if that has any different effects. Day 430 I heard some sewer workers appearing close by – luckily they didn’t approach too closely. I was ready to take them out, when I heard a loud ruckus, then nothing. Maybe Goldie’s power can even reach down here! They must have been really weak-willed to have been overcome that far away from her though. I’d better lie low for a couple of days. Day 433 Managed to get a couple of bandits from the road. I don’t think I was seen. I left the usual mess – they should just put it down to wolves again. One of them is still too worked up – I’ll come back later to take samples – I know adrenaline ha

Beholder Group - "Quick. I accidentally shot an eagle." Session 11 - Devon's Mission

2nd Sep 2019, 7:45 – 11:15pm In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Flamerule 28th. End of session, Eleasis 2nd. Our Heroes are preparing to head out from Oakhurst and help Devon in his desire to help a friend of a friend with a simple mission to escort a VIP from the nearby town of Flint Rock to a place just outside the town. As they settle down to their last breakfast in the Ol’ Boar Inn, Drogan, bored with studying maps, glances up to spot the face of a Kobold peering in through the window. In an uncharacteristic (and unlikely to be repeated) show of restraint, he stays his axe-hand long enough to see that it is not Meepo, but another Kobold. Rushing out to grab him, they almost bump into each other at the doorway as the Kobold enters as Drogan runs out. The Kobold hands over a pouch, apparently from Yussi, and then runs away as Drogran tries to grab him, roughly. The pouch does indeed contain a Thank You note from Yussi, some money, and a gift of a feather – which Dw