Session 34 - I Shit On Your Bed!

Mon 4th Jan 20:45 - 23:30

In-game timeline: Uktar 13 - Uktar 13 DR1489

Our "Heroes" are pondering which direction to go. Drogan is unsurprisingly keen to pursue the annoying kobold, others are wondering whether to re-try the very difficult door, or attempt an alternative route to finding Yussi.

In the end, the kobold's annoyance won out.

The party's suspicion regarding kobolds' in general, and Meepo's in particular, tendency to lay traps was well-founded. Devon spotted a floor trap in the next corridor. Drogan dragged the baby bear corpse over - yep, the one he had only moments ago said a few regretful words over to reflect his torn loyalties at killing a bear-like creature - and casually tossed it into the middle of the corridor, triggering the trap. The floor lowered and sharp spikes, some tipped with a purple substance, were exposed.

It would be too risky to attempt to walk between the spikes, so a plan was concocted involving using the wooden tables from the kitchen to form a platform across the room. While Alwaith chatted to Devon about battles long past, the two dwarves did all the manual labour in a "to-me, to-you" fashion and they managed to construct a walkway across the corridor, which they all then used to get across the trapped room.

With nothing obvious in the next hallway, they progressed into what looked like a bedroom of sorts, with a moss bed and scrawls on the walls representing the letter "M" in Draconic. Since they were now convinced their prey was Meepo, Drogan just couldn't stop himself from taking a large, steaming dump on the bed. This made Drogan feel better, but made the rest of them just want to get out of that room as quickly as possible!

Dwarrow crept loudly out of the room first, just in time to spot a laughing Meepo disappearing through a nearby open door. The others followed Dwarrow, relieved to be leaving the smell behind. They congregated in the next room to discuss the next steps.

Which was convenient for Meepo, as he pulled open the door he had run through to allow the young, green dragon to breathe poison over all of them! Luckily, though race or magic weapon selection, all our "Heroes" are resistant in some way to poison so the poison breath did relatively minimal damage to them - Devon managing to use his uncanny dodge to ensure the damage he took was further limited.

This action cut short any further discussion over what to do next, and the battle commenced! Drogan, in true Drogan fashion, rushed into the room to face the dragon in melee. This turned out to be an interesting move. The others all used their ranged weapons on the dragon, keeping their distance in case the breath weapon was used again. This allowed Meepo, who was standing behind the door, to push it closed, cutting the others off from the battle and leaving Drogan alone in the room with an annoyed dragon!

Dwarrow and Devon rushed over to try to push open the door, worried about Drogan's fate. Strangely, neither of them were able to push it open against the relatively feeble kobold holding it shut on the other side. Luckily Drogan was raging, as two of the dragon's three attacks on him hit, causing considerable damage. Worse was to come, however. 

Low on health, Drogan was forced to take a potion of healing and rush to the door, receiving another attack from the dragon in the process. Still standing, he pushed Meepo out of the way and opened the door, but could go no further. Alwaith scored a critical hit on the dragon, annoying it even more. With the dragon taking the focus of the attacks, Meepo was free to do as he wished and he managed to hold Drogan in place in the doorway with a spell.

Spotting that Drogan was paralysed in the doorway, and a dragon about to launch more attacks on him, Dwarrow channelled the power of Berronar to provide significant healing to Drogan. Just in time, as the dragon launched a ferocious attack on the still-paralysed Drogan. It was enough to take Drogan unconscious, but it took all three hits to do it. Had he not received the healing, the three dragon attacks would have almost certainly ended his life.

With a failed death save, Dwarrow was forced to resurrect Drogan with another channel divinity on his next turn, and Devon pulled Drogan's now conscious and un-paralysed body away from the door. Alwaith was surprised to see a small imp-like creature appear right before his eyes and scream at him, but luckily he was only a little shocked, not frightened. The dragon once again used his breath weapon - this time on just Drogan and Devon, and they managed to withstand the attack, but the dragon turned and half-ran and half-flew away. Drogan decided to switch his attack to Meepo and ran back into the room to face him, raging all the while (rage number three!), hitting him with his maul.

At this point Meepo suddenly turned invisible and ran, avoiding Drogan's attack of opportunity. Dwarrow, suddenly revealing his piece-de-resistance, ran into the room and cast Guiding Bolt on the dragon - the spell that always misses, at a high level and using his inspiration on the attack. And it hit! Not only that, it scored a crit! The dragon, who was one step away from flying away out of the tower platform room was brought down by an explosive bolt in its belly. The whole group were shocked that guiding bolt hit something.

But the fight was not over. Unable to spot an invisible Meepo, they guarded the exits. All of a sudden a door in the far wall opened and five centipedes came out. These, and the rather ineffectual imp-like creature that was still hanging around, were dispatched at a distance relatively easily by the group, but the distraction allowed Meepo to hide away further.

Drogan went to the centipedes room and set a fire in there, backing out and closing the door, hoping to trap Meepo in there. But Meepo was no longer in there - he ran, still invisible, over the rubble near to the dragon's body, and Alwaith and Dwarrow spotted the movement in the stones and Dwarrow took him down with a lucky shot. As Meepo lay dying on the ground, now visible, he shouted "Sir Alain! Let me have my revenge!". At that he died. Drogan chopped off his head.

As the group catch their breath, and debate having a short rest, they are interrupted by a kobold. It turned out, after some discussion and a lot of suspicion, that the kobolds were hiding in the room behind the barred door. They emerged after the sounds of fighting had died down and a couple of them were scouting around to see what had happened and to try to find their leader, Yussi. They were upset, though also a little relieved, at the death of Venomfang the dragon. They wanted to cremate the body of the Great One. Dwarrow persuaded the rest of the group to let them do so, though Drogan was his usual disrespectful self. They did manage to recover a couple of young dragon teeth and young dragon scales before Venomfang's body was carried off by a number of kobolds to the platform room to prepare it for cremation. In the meantime the party had a short rest. They manage to discover a few bits of loot in the dragon's "nest", but the only thing they find on Meepo's body is a platinum ring similar to the necromantic ones they found in this Fortress last time they were here.

And so we leave our "Heroes" after another tough but impressive fight, debating how to find Yussi, who is possibly somewhere else in the Fortress. The kobold they have just met has spoken of an area of the Fortress that is possibly haunted, so they are still keen on being cautious. Not that that generally means much, when Drogan is in the party!