
Showing posts from January, 2021

Session 37 - Devon Reveals Himself

Mon 25th Jan 19:45 - 22:45 In-game timeline: Uktar 18 - Uktar 18 DR1489 After some debate, our "Heroes" decide against resting and press on, further into the tunnel in the mountainside.  Passing a number of torches which are twice explained by the DM as being held at the top of long, square, iron poles inserted into fixed metal brackets (this may become relevant later…), the party cautiously progress deeper and find themselves in a large cavern, well lit by a burning fire in the centre, next to a single tent and a large, natural column. Devon scouts around the edge of the walls and comes upon something unnatural - it seems like part of the wall has something strange about it. The whole group gathers round and spends some time investigating the section of wall. Dwarrow proudly announces that it is, in fact, wall. The rest have better luck in working out that the wall in this area has man-made cracks in it that could constitute a door, or worse - a trap. Whilst some of the grou

Session 36 - Dwarrowsteel - Monster Hunter

Mon 18th Jan 19:45 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Uktar 17 - Uktar 18 DR1489 Fresh from a comfortable rest in the Ol' Boar Inn in Oakhurst, our "Heroes" tool up and head out, aiming for the ancient stone circle in the woods. They'd spent an inordinate amount of time discussing what clothing they may possibly need when they get there - a discussion that, given they had no idea where they would end up - could be desert, could be icy mountains - was a little moot. In the end they just loaded Drogan up with everybody's rations. They decide to go at night, to hopefully avoid prying eyes when they 'transport' to the new location via the circle. The journey to the circle was uneventful, though the teleportation via the circle was strange, mysterious and powerful. In the end they arrived at the destination circle without incident. The circle was well lit, despite it being the early hours of the morning, due to the full moon and clear skies above. They looked around the

Session 35 - The End of Meepo.....?

Mon 11th Jan 19:45 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Uktar 13 - Uktar 17 DR1489 Our "Heroes" leave the kobolds to prepare the body of Venomfang (and Meepo) for cremation and they head off to search the rest of the Fortress for Yussi, prepared to encounter some "haunting" somewhere off to the eastern side that they had been warned about. Slowly checking out each room, and finding very little of value (though Devon does syphon off some cask-aged goblin brew for later use), our "Heroes" make their way eastwards. They pause outside of the door which they remember contained manacles and chained up prisoners of the goblins and wonder at length where the prisoner of Meepo could possibly be being kept securely? A mystery. As they are about to give up and head elsewhere, Drogan has the brilliant idea to at least give this door a try. It's locked. Despite Drogan having the key, he refrains from telling the others this, and Devon takes the opportunity to show how magnifi

Session 34 - I Shit On Your Bed!

Mon 4th Jan 20:45 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Uktar 13 - Uktar 13 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are pondering which direction to go. Drogan is unsurprisingly keen to pursue the annoying kobold, others are wondering whether to re-try the very difficult door, or attempt an alternative route to finding Yussi. In the end, the kobold's annoyance won out. The party's suspicion regarding kobolds' in general, and Meepo's in particular, tendency to lay traps was well-founded. Devon spotted a floor trap in the next corridor. Drogan dragged the baby bear corpse over - yep, the one he had only moments ago said a few regretful words over to reflect his torn loyalties at killing a bear-like creature - and casually tossed it into the middle of the corridor, triggering the trap. The floor lowered and sharp spikes, some tipped with a purple substance, were exposed. It would be too risky to attempt to walk between the spikes, so a plan was concocted involving using the wooden tables from t