Feandris' Diary

I am not inclined to keep a diary. Records that can be used against one, should they be discovered. But our leader, Haletris, insisted on keeping a diary that he sent on to the Grand Temple, when he was able, to ensure they are kept informed of our work here. Now that Haletris is no longer with us, hopefully a temporary situation only, I will reluctantly continue the tradition, though, unlike Haletris, my updates will be brief, and infrequent.


Tarsakh 12

The pirates arrived today. We assumed they were coming to trade, as they usually do, but they came in force, and not to do business. Luckily Haletris’ guards in the dunes seemed to take care of most of them, but it seemed that enough got through to cause us major problems at the abbey. We fought them off, but lost many of our order, including, tragically, Haletris, who was felled by a random crossbow bolt whilst holding 10 pirates at bay by himself. Inspired by his falling, we rallied and drove the remaining pirates back. In their anger, they torched whatever they could as they retreated, and we have lost many buildings that we were making use of. Luckily the Temple of the Crystal Heart stood fast. We assume the pirates have retreated back to their ships, but we will prepare for a potential attack in the coming days.


Tarsakh 14

No new attacks from the pirates, luckily, as we no longer have the numbers to protect ourselves. We lost most of our number in the attack, and a few others in the subsequent fire. Only a handful of us remain, and we suspect there are still pirates on the island somewhere, though we’re sure most have departed. Maybe the remnants have been abandoned here. As have we, it seems. Our messages to the Grand Temple go unanswered, though we continue to petition for our rescue. In the meantime we will hold up here.


Tarsakh 22

Still no word from the Grand Temple at Shar. Ozymandias is getting more insane. He has made his home in the Tower – we tend to avoid him much of the time – he is starting to make little sense. He is even trying to tempt the Harpy clan from the distant cliffs to settle in the tower – I suspect they’ll just eat him, which may be no loss. I have managed to get his assurance that if he is able to befriend them, he will convince them not to attack us. Must remember to wear our cowls outside, as they are unlikely to recognise faces. Maybe they can prove useful in hunting out the last of the pirates that we have spotted on occasion around the island.


Mirtul 2

We continue to preserve Haletris’ body with Gentle Repose spells, and we still hope to recover his soul with the Prime Ritual. We have no Grand Master to perform it, now that Haletris is gone, but we have The Tome and, if we are able to find a chinz crystal large enough, we will attempt it. We don’t have the manpower to oversee the slaves at the quarry, however – and that assumes any slaves are still alive – so I don’t think we will ever be able to get such a crystal. Plus, no crystal of a suitable size has been found here for many a year.


Mirtul 13

We have settled into a routine here, though not an enjoyable one. Bayleaf and his guards are reluctantly stuck here as much as the rest of us. Luckily his payment lasts another 4 months, though what will happen when that down-payment runs out is anyone’s guess. There is no way off the island, and we don’t have any more money to pay for his services for longer. For now, he is loyal to us, but I suspect not for much longer. He seems happy tending the vegetable garden most days. I am keeping Haletris’ medallion so we can get through the guards at the Dunes, should any rescue boats be sent for us.


Kythorn 11

Life continues. Whenever we are able, I send messages to the Grand Temple for aid, though I know not if any messages get through, as we receive no response. Ozymandias is now almost completely mad, spending all of his time in the Tower with ‘his’ Harpies. He retains his skill as a trapper, and I suspect the Harpies just tolerate him as he provides easily won food for them and saves them risking a hunt of their own. We continue to pray to Velsharoon but receive no divine inspiration.


Flamerule 16

We have settled into a sort of normality. I still study The Tome, to try to develop my skills to a level where I may be able to recover Haletris’ soul, but with no mentor, it proves difficult. Bayleaf, Bert and Ernie are getting bored. Ogmund is becoming more devout – usually a good thing, but I suspect he may be eyeing my position as leader of this small band. It is not a role to be envied.


Eleint 11

We have received word from the Grand Temple! An animal messenger arrived, and Ozymandias managed to stop his Harpies from attacking the hawk – at least long enough for it to deliver its message. The Temple at Shar acknowledge our existence, and our plight, and have sent word that the next time a ship of theirs is passing the Island, it will put in and reinforce us. No date for such an event – within the next 4 months, they have said. We have hope!


Marpenoth 15

Interesting developments. It seems some of the slaves survived the pirate raid and have been scratching an existence in the quarry. Not only that, they have discovered a magnificent crystal of chinz! A young girl arrived at our abbey this morning, hoping to trade the crystal for some food for their group. What fate, what providence! Velsharoon has surely heard our prayers. If we can use the crystal to regain Helatris, not only will we have our leader back, but the Grand Temple must surely send us support quicker, knowing that the quarry is not depleted. Not only this, but the girl is perfect for the ritual – innocent, trusting. Simply perfect!


Marpenoth 17

The ritual is prepared. I have studied The Tome and know the ritual by heart. Using the girl, and the crystal, Helatris will be back with us by morning.