Beholder Group - "Poison? Bring it on!" Session 16 The Eye of Kronos

8th Jan 2020, 7:45 – 11:30pm
In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleasis 20th. End of session, Eleasis 24th.

Our Heroes are to be found in Neverwinter, considering what student projects to purchase from the Arcane Academy. After a bit of shopping, and a brief meeting with Captain Ironfist, they set sail, heading towards the Whale Bone Isles.

Drogan felt very at home on board ship. And fit in well with the rest of the crew. Alwaith and Dwarrowsteel did their best to fit in – they were less useful, but suffered no ill effects from the turbulent sea. Devon, on the other hand, felt sick as soon as he came on board. After recovering a little on the second day, the third day brought very rough seas and high winds, and Devon had a very bad day, spending most of it leaning over the rail and throwing up into the sea. Luckily the fourth day was a little calmer, and he recovered a little, but was still suffering.

This was a shame, as in the late afternoon of that day a distant ship was spotted, and it was soon identified as being the wreck, the Emperor of the Waves.

The party were rowed over to the wreck, which was listing to one side, was low in the water, and was missing a couple of masts. Devon sent the newly-reformed Nige, now in the shape of a parrot, over to the wreck to check it out, and he returned to report there was no movement to be seen on deck.

The rowboat reached the wreck and the party prepared to board it. Drogan decided to use Ropey – his new ‘pet’ rope, to whom he had been teaching knots for the last couple of days at sea. Ropey did as he was told and attached himself to the railings on deck and Drogan showed the rest of the party how a true sailor climbs a rope….. and promptly fell straight back into the sea!

As Alwaith and Dwarrowsteel shimmied up their rope, Drogan sheepishly tried again and got himself on board. Devon, still feeling very rough, preferred to be hauled up by the others. The two sailors left in the rowboat moved it away from the drifting wreck and said they would wait for the party’s return on deck.

The party headed towards the stern of the ship and entered a room that seemed to contain all the old furniture contained on the ship, all dumped against the walls of this large room. Towards the centre of the room seemed to be a stone altar, but there was no time for the party to check this out, as they were immediately involved in a fight!

They were attacked by a giant spider, a couple of spider swarms and a strange humanoid creature that seemed very at home moving about on the webs, that covered the room.

Alwaith got a good immediate attack in with a Shatter spell, hitting the spider and the swarms, but also doing a little damage to Drogan from the flying shrapnel. The spider and the humanoid both missed with their web attacks, allowing the party to engage.

The benefit of bringing dwarves and a stout Halfling into a fight with poison-dealing enemies was evident, as even when hit by the creatures, the damage done was minimal. Especially as Drogan was raging, and had even more resistance. Brushing off attacks with little concern, even when two more swarms of spiders appeared, the party soon dispatched the creatures, Alwaith taking out three of the spider swarms, Dwarrow dealt with the fourth, despite numerous misses with his axe, and Devon and Drogan took out the humanoid and spider respectively.

The altar was investigated, and shown to be dedicated to the spider queen Lolth. The debris was searched, Devon hunting for a lockbox that he was supposed to return to some friends in Neverwinter. Drogan found a writing desk and they managed to open the drawer to find the captain’s log and ledger. Devon translated the notes in the log to read that the ship was attacked by pirate Bree, a Drow, complete with a Will o Wisp ‘pet’. The pirates seemed to be capturing, rather than killing the sailors. The captain also said that the lockbox had been put into the cargo hold, so the party needed to head lower. There was also mention of an uncharted island spotted a few days before this pirate attack, but there were not charts around to spot where it could be.

Drogan was bored of hanging around, and headed down the stairs, into what was obviously the galley. More webs down here, and some recent signs of cooking, but no creatures larger than a bunch of small spiders. The webs were proving to be a pain, acting as difficult terrain for the party. Drogan pressed on, listening at the exit door into the midships and hearing a little scuttling, which could just be a lot of small spiders, and pushed through, cautiously.

As the door opened wider Drogan was met with a large shard of ice coming straight towards him, but it just missed, smashing against the wall behind and although it blasted shards of ice in the vicinity, all party members managed to dodge the pieces.

And so began the second big fight – more giant spiders and a large half-orc druid. Once again, the party made pretty short work of all the baddies, before the druid could do anything of consequence! Dwarrow, standing back from the main battle to help out with healing as needed, managed to become an easy target for another spider, that seemed able to appear and disappear at will. It was lucky that the party did make short work of the druid and the two giant spiders, as the disappearing spider was doing considerable damage to Dwarrowsteel. Having dispatched the rest of the creatures, the whole party descended on the teleporting spider and took it out before it could kill their healer – it was a close call!

Looking around the room, they find some decent loot, and Drogan finds a good pair of boots on the druid, Kranth, which he promptly shoves in his backpack. They eventually turn their attention towards the two large cocoons hanging from the ceiling, moving slightly. As Alwaith and Dwarrowsteel consider how to gently open up a cocoon to see what is inside, Drogan decides the direct approach is best, and uses his axe to open up one of the cocoons in one swift strike.

This was not a great idea, as it turned out. The cocoon held a demon of sorts – all mouth and no trousers. In fact all teeth and mouth. And very hungry. It immediately went for Drogan, giving him no chance to rage, and doing considerable damage. When a second one fought its way out of the second cocoon and joined in, Drogan was shocked at the amount of damage he was taking. When Dwarrowsteel threw in a dagger from distance, and managed to hit Drogan rather than the demon, it really didn’t help matters. Dwarrow made up for it by healing Drogan, but that health was almost immediately taken away again with the large Maw’s next attack. Drogan’s health drained away, but so too did both the demons’. It didn’t take long to kill both demons, but Drogan was suffering. 

The party took the wise decision to take a short rest and recover some of Drogan’s health, before venturing further into the wreck in search of this bloody lockbox! Lots of creatures killed, and killed pretty quickly, but the party’s resources are quite depleted. Hopefully the rest of the wreck will be empty of further creatures, and they can recover the box and rest up back on The Evening Mist.

We leave our ‘Heroes’ pleased that most of them have some racial poison resistance!