The Legend Of Dragonsboon

The legend of Dragonsboon

Bards tell tales of great swords, forged in dwarven mines, infused with elvish magic, and embossed with gnomish intricacies, built to challenge dragons – absorbing their breath, finding kinks in their armour and bringing death to giant lizards.

This is not one of those tales.

Dragonsboon was not forged by dwarves. It was not tarnished by elves, nor toyed with by gnomes. It was created to fight alongside, not against, dragons.
Dragonsboon was forged in the breath of a red dragon. It was cooled in the breath of a white dragon. Its magical properties were granted to the weapon, not forced upon it.

It was kept within the Cult, passed down to Dragonpriests. It was last referenced as being in the possession of Eldorath, the Elven Dragonpriest who dabbled in transformation magic, performing abominations abhorrent to the cult, and being punished by being sequestered and entombed for eternity.

What became of Dragonsboon? No one knows. Maybe destroyed, along with Eldorath’s possessions, maybe renamed and passed on. Some say, however, that it is buried with Eldorath in his last resting place.

Whatever became of it, no mention is made of it again, neither in histories nor in song.