
Showing posts from June, 2019

Beholder Group - "Hit and Run" - Fallen Fortress Session 5

25 th June 2019, 8:00 – 11:00pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +6. End of session, Midsummer’s day +6. We join our “Heroes” straight in with the action, as the week of planning (out-of-game) / 6-seconds of planning (in-game) resulted in a plot to deceive the goblins by Alwaith taking on the convincing disguise of a hobgoblin and encouraging the goblins to follow him round the corner into the empty corridor where the others would ambush them. A cunning plan, worthy of Baldric. As with most of Baldric’s plans, it didn’t pay off. Alwaith’s lack of linguistic skills – i.e. he couldn’t speak goblin – and the fact that the goblins were a little surprised to see a hobgoblin appear from a direction that was pretty unlikely, meant that they were confused, but not deceived. After a few goblin reaction shots at Alwaith, as he appeared round the corner, Alwaith retreated back to the others up the corridor. “Did it work?” asked Devon, as Alwaith struggled

Beholder Group - "Door Operation Now Sorted." - Fallen Fortress Session 4

Beholder Group – Session 4 summary 17 th June 2019, 7:30 – 11:15pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +5. End of session, Midsummer’s day +6. We last left our “Heroes” revelling in their new-found ability to open doors. Not just simple ones, but even complex ones with unusual mechanisms. They discuss taking a short rest – the mental strain of opening all these doors is taking its toll – but decide to press on for now and explore a bit more of the Fortress. The room they find themselves in is a little strange. A simple, square room which seems to have been fairly untouched for a while, but has four, raised, stone pedestals standing before a door with a simple button on it and no handle. Carved into the pedestals, in Draconic, are words implying this is a test of strength, agility, intelligence and influence, and more words above the door, needing a bit of a clean to expose them, imply that only the worthy will be able to pass through. Suspecting th

The Legend Of Dragonsboon

The legend of Dragonsboon Bards tell tales of great swords, forged in dwarven mines, infused with elvish magic, and embossed with gnomish intricacies, built to challenge dragons – absorbing their breath, finding kinks in their armour and bringing death to giant lizards. This is not one of those tales. Dragonsboon was not forged by dwarves. It was not tarnished by elves, nor toyed with by gnomes. It was created to fight alongside, not against, dragons. Dragonsboon was forged in the breath of a red dragon. It was cooled in the breath of a white dragon. Its magical properties were granted to the weapon, not forced upon it. It was kept within the Cult, passed down to Dragonpriests. It was last referenced as being in the possession of Eldorath, the Elven Dragonpriest who dabbled in transformation magic, performing abominations abhorrent to the cult, and being punished by being sequestered and entombed for eternity. What became of Dragonsboon? No one knows. Maybe des

Beholder Group - Midvale School for the Gifted - Fallen Fortress Session 3

Beholder Group – Fallen Fortress session 3 summary 3 rd June 2019, 7:30 – 11:00pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +4. End of session, Midsummer’s day +5. We find our “Heroes” basking in the morning sun in Oakhurst, contemplating their next steps. A suggestion that perhaps the goblins brewed their delicious ale using some of the health-giving fruit prompted the party to head back to Ol’ Boar Inn and persuade Garon to part with the last of his stock of the beer – only a few pints left after the midsummer celebrations. They take this to Corkie at the shrine and suggest that she give a little to Boris on a regular basis and see if it helps him. Corkie is a little unconvinced at this strategy, but as she has run out of other options, agrees to try it out. There is no immediate, miraculous recovery, so the party head out into the big wild world, intending to try to find “the dodgy druid with the toad”, as Belak is rapidly, and maybe unfairly, becoming