
Showing posts from April, 2019

Gwen's Journal

Journal of Gwen, aspiring wizard Much of this journal goes into quite boring detail on where they travel, what they have to eat, minor encounters they have with wildlife etc. She focuses a lot on her own magics, emphasizing when she manages to successfully cast a useful spell, which doesn’t seem to be very often. Of more interest is the final entry.... Approaching Midsummer’s Day We’ve stopped overnight at yet another camp by a wood. Boris brought along some of that excellent Goblin Brew ale that he purchased (at great expense!) from the inn in Oakhurst. Boris even charged us to drink some of it, the tight bastard, but it was worth it – lovely stuff! I think Woderick had a little too much of it, though – he was convinced the bushes nearby were moving. We had great fun at his expense, winding him up and pretending to be bushes out to kill him! Come to think of it, maybe we’ve all had a bit too much beer. We head out tomorrow in search of this magic sword, Dragonsboon, w

Beholder Group - "Declare Yourselves!" - Fallen Fortress Session 1

Beholder Group – Fallen Fortress Session 1 summary 29 th April 2019, 7:30 – 10:30pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +1. End of session, Midsummer’s day +3. Devon, Alwaith, Drogan and Dwarrowsteel met for the first time in the Ol’ Boar Inn in Oakhurst, just after the Midsummer festival. They all seemed to have their own reasons for being there – Devon the Halfling was looking for something or someone called Gripe, who supposedly had a white fruit Devon wanted. Dwarrowsteel the dwarven cleric was looking for a red fruit, reputed to have magical healing properties, whilst Alwaith the half-elf and Drogan the dwarf barbarian both knew members of another adventuring party, The Righteous Brotherhood, and were searching for their whereabouts. Garon, the barkeep, let them sample his delicious ale, Goblin Brew (Drogan, upon hearing its name and source, spat it out, despite secretly loving the taste!), and mentioned that he buys it from the goblins, though