
Showing posts from October, 2023

Sessions 75, 76 and 77 - Murder at the Masquerade

  Wed 13th Sep 2023, Wed 11th Oct and Thu 19th Oct In-game timeline: UNKNOWN (7th day in the Shadowfell) Our "Heroes" are impersonating some minor nobles at a masquerade ball that has a large number of vampires and lycanthropes. They feel a little uncomfortable. After having a drink (or two!) their nerves settle a little and they disperse to talk to the various members of nobility, vampire families, gypsy-like vistani and were-folk who are mingling around the ball. They make polite conversation, but as and when the opportunities arrive they probe a little deeper regarding the possibility of a silver dragon being held in the mansion somewhere, as well as asking about the Cult of Malar and the Black Sun. They discover various snippets of information, including gaining a view into the complex politics and sexual proclivities and dalliances within and between the vampire families. They do manage to achieve this without annoying anyone, surprisingly, though Alwaith, in the guise o