
Showing posts from September, 2023

Session 74 - You Shall Go To The Ball!

  Wed 6th Sep 2023 In-game timeline: UNKNOWN (6th day in the Shadowfell) Our "Heroes" return to the centre of Evernight and back to the HQ of the Portal Guild. The numbers of people in the warehouse have been reduced, as skirmishes have already started in places around town. After some discussion about the information that they received regarding countess Allani and the names on the note they had regarding the Vessels, the party eat a welcome meal and head to bed. Except for Sanada, who seemed to receive something from Lord Graysing that helps her level up. The following morning, with an even more exhausted Sanada, the group receive some useful information about Allani's Masquerade Ball, as well as two more invitations that the Guild has managed to get hold of. Faith disappears with Quinlen, Alwaith's father, apparently for some training, and Alwaith takes the opportunity to rest in preparation for the upcoming events. Solveig spends some time creating an impressive c