
Showing posts from May, 2023

Session 65 - Let's Dig a Hole in Front of the Main Door

Wed 24th May 2023 In-game timeline: UNKNOWN (2nd day in the Shadowfell) Our "Heroes" have received a vision from the Raven Queen. They have been tasked with finding the Conspirator's Visage from someone called Ghoriliath - a general of Vecna who is posted on the border between Vecna's and the Raven Queen's lands. Markella provides them with an escort out of the City of Broken Dreams, ensuring they do not run the risk of losing more memories - at least for now, and they decide to camp for the night just outside the city gates. Faith's Tiny Hut provides welcome protection from potential denizens of the Shadowfell outside, though it is unable to prevent the general malaise of gloom and despair from affecting those unfamiliar with this realm. Solveig, Faith and Sanada all awake after a sleep feeling rested, but morose. In the case of Faith, he is feeling somewhat mistrustful of all those around him, whilst Sanada is feeling a little hopeless towards their situatio

Session 64 - The Curse of Distant Memories

Thu 18th May 2023 In-game timeline: UNKNOWN Our "Heroes" have experienced a battle with undead within the Shadowfell. For Alwaith, this brought back old memories. For the others, well - they tried hard NOT to remember things. It becomes quickly apparent that being this close to the Raven Queen's fortress means they are all at risk of losing their most cherished memories. The group learn that they are able to attempt to make touchstones against this risk, but, should that fail, the memory will be lost - perhaps forever. Even should they succeed it means that this memory is forever locked within a particular item, and should that item be lost, stolen or broken, the memory will be gone. Our heroes are keen not to tarry here for long. Unfortunately the city itself has other ideas. As the party tries to rush through the dark and misty streets, aiming for the centre of the city, they realise that the city seems to shift around them. Or perhaps their own memories of where they h

Session 63 - Attack in the Gatehouse

Thu 11th May 2023 In-game timeline: UNKNOWN Our "Heroes", some new, some old, are in a strange land. At least to three of them. Alwaith seems very familiar with this place and, more than that, seems to know where he wants to head, and strides off from the crossroads in a North-East direction. Unfortunately Alwaith, being Alwaith, is very reluctant to share any information with the rest of his "team" about where he is going and why he is going there. He does eventually deign to share a little information about the place they are in - the Shadowfell - and how he knows so much about it, though he does this in a manner so "mysterious" and patronising that the rest of the "team" are debating whether to just kill him now, or to wait a while, and whether the real threat to the "party" is from within. Still, with no other information to go on, they follow the frustrating warlock along the path. The path leads towards a large town - perhaps a sm

Session 62 - Alwaith Goes Home

Thu 4th May 2023 In-game timeline: Hammer 11 - Hammer 30 DR1490 Our "Hero", singular, returns to Neverwinter. Alone. There he meets some new companions, who know each other, though they have only recently met. A male, firbolg druid named Solveig, who seems pretty chilled out, a strange looking male, dwarven cleric named Faith, who seems a bit up himself, and a female human monk named Sanada-san, who is a little mysterious, and a foreigner to this part of the Realm. Alwaith remains very cagey about what he reveals to these new "friends". Back to normal then! The group stand before the Council of the Veil - Alwaith for the first time - and it seems that Alwaith knows the leader of the Council - a high elf named Evaine - from times past. If the old members of the party were here they would have been surprised at the emotion shown by the half-elf. His new "friends" just thought him a little soppy. Evaine thanks all the group for their help - both recently and