
Showing posts from January, 2022

Session 59 - Windy Devon loses his Senses

Thu 27th Jan 2022 19:30 - 23:15 In-game timeline: Nightal 29 - Hammer 05 DR1490 ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! Drogan is quick off the mark (or rather, the enemy is a little sluggish!) and both he and Devon are able to get an attack in early. Devon's attempt at making the cyclone of salt laugh doesn't work (some would say, unsurprisingly!) but Drogan's attacks land, and, potentially even more importantly, he is able to start RAGING before the enemy can get an attack in. Which is lucky, as the enemy then tries to knock Drogan off his feet by smashing him with a wall of salt spray. Drogan in his raging state is able to stay on his feet and take less damage than he otherwise would have. Dwarrow starts to pull Drogan to the edge of the hole, using the rope that is tied around the barbarian - the other end of which is attached to one of the horses. Alwaith meanwhile curses the creature and blasts it with his reliable Eldritch Blasts. What looked like a worrying battle for an isolated Drog

Session 58 - Don't Touch The Bones!

Wed 19th Jan 2022 19:30 - 23:15 (Online) In-game timeline: Nightal 26 - Nightal 29 DR1489 Our "Heroes" had a somewhat restless night at the Hearthstrains' in Settlestone. Alwaith disappeared into the outhouse and returned sweaty and distracted - the others could only hazard a guess as to what he had been up to. Drogan then had an unsettling dream overnight and woke up with damp sheets. He mentioned that he had dreamed of Meepo. The rest of the party were hesitant to ask for details. Before Dwarrow returned from Silvermoon in the morning, there is a knock at the door and it seems the stables have lent the party a pair of horses for their use. As they find out later, Dwarrow managed to persuade the Mayor to ask the stable owner to lend them horses in return for their helping out the town. The horses they have been lent are old and somewhat knackered, but will serve better than walking. Dwarrow arrives and the group head to the Inn to discuss their next steps. Unsurprisingly

Session 57 - Information Gathering Again

Thu 13th Jan 2022 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 24 - Nightal 26 DR1489 Our "Heroes" spend another night in Settlestone at the Hearthstrains and decide to spend the following day finding out more information around town. Nothing new there then. Initially they head to The Guard and speak with Sharak Hackshield about all sorts of things - they report their adventures in the Sporerealm and in the gnoll / hyena caves. Sharak takes detailed notes. It takes a while. Sharak is meticulous. The party then ask for information about the missing jeweller, and the murdered miners / stonemasons. Sharak passes on some information about what The Guard know about the incidents - mentioning that Orcs were suspected - most specifically from the Notched Cleaver tribe, and that some evidence of these Orcs had been found at the Old Fort out of town, but that they seemed to have abandoned the place before The Guard got there. They also seemed to be responsible for a caravan raid some weeks

Session 56 - Dwarrow Needs to Grow A Pair!

Wed 5th Jan 2022 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 21 - Nightal 24 DR1489 Our "Heroes" awake fully rested - their night was interrupted by some shuffling noises coming from the cavern, but nothing else untoward happened. They proceed back into the cavern, cautiously, and check out the areas they hadn't looked into previously. The area that contained the injured hook creature was very smelly and contained various bones, but nothing else seemingly of interest. Another area seemed to contain crude living quarters, presumably for gnolls, but they find nothing except an injured gnoll, who tries very unsuccessfully to shoot an arrow at Alwaith. He is obviously no threat, and in fact doesn't seem very able to move, and Alwaith and Devon move on from him, ignoring this minor threat. Drogan and Dwarrow are more bloodthirsty and cautious, and Drogan "humanely" (his words) slits the throat of the poor, unthreatening, pitiful creature. They reach the chasm that th