
Showing posts from December, 2021

Session 55 - Who's Laughing Now?

  Wed 22nd Dec 2021 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 20 - Nightal 21 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are tending their wounds outside a hyena (and gnoll?) cave after facing, and defeating some hooked-limbed creatures that had emerged from the cave entrance and attacked them. As all except Drogan head to the outcrop opposite the cave entrance to try to see if anything else will emerge from the cavern, whilst the barbarian dwarf remains above the entrance, behind a pile of dead hooked creatures. Drogan drops a flask of lamp oil onto the floor by the cave and light is, allowing the others to see a little further, and a little better, into the cave. Alwaith spots some movement behind the flickering light, in the cave itself. As Drogan peers over the dead bodies to see what is happening at the cave entrance, he is surprised to see three arrows thud into the dead bodies around him, and a fourth arrow impales into his armour-less body. They seemed to come from above. As Drogan clambers d

Session 54 - Another Horse Bites the Dust

Wed 8th Dec 2021 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 20 - Nightal 20 DR1489 Our "Heroes" decide to cut a hooked arm off of the strange creature that lies dead on the plains. Why? Nobody really knows. Devon spots what appears to be a lone gnoll atop a giant hyena in the far distance and guesses that it is the one that ran off early in the last battle. He tasks Nige with keeping an eye on the distant gnoll as the group decides to have a short rest to recover some abilities and health. By the time they have finished resting, the gnoll rider seems to have disappeared. After their rest, the sun is starting to set on the horizon. They figure that they should be able to get to the distant low hills, where the gnoll seems to have headed for and where the tracks seem to lead, before sunset, so long as they keep a decent pace on their horses.  As they get closer to the hills, they decide to play a little safe and head south, away from the tracks, for about a mile or so, then close

Session 53 - Hyenas. No Laughing Matter

Wed 1st Dec 2021 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 19 - Nightal 20 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are having an early pint in the tavern, discussion their plans for the day - which at present comprises heading out to the Hecana Plains to tackle the Mayor's concern over the hyena threat - but as we know by now, this is a fickle group and their plans regularly change. As they neck their beers, a black cat sidles up to the group and seems to be after food. Drogan suddenly becomes all soft and has a conversation with the cat who, it turns out, is called Felix, Lord of All Things and Destroyer of Rodents. The cat is hungry, and has no information to offer the group. Drogan adopts it. The group get their horses from the stables and enquire after the location of one of the furthest farms in the direction of the Hecana Plains, assuming that they are probably most likely to have knowledge or experience of the hyena raids. Having got directions to the outlying farm of Rudon Hazelaxe, th