
Showing posts from November, 2021

Session 52 - The Verdict

Wed 17th Nov 2021 20:00 - 23:00 In-game timeline: Nightal 17 - Nightal 19 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are considering the evidence for and against Celium and Lamellae in the murder of Legion. They decide to bring in the two suspects, and Milo and Philo, who were "guarding" the entrance at the time of the murder, into Legion's place and see how Pootle reacts to each one. Dwarrow watches Pootle's reaction on each entrance, and reports that Pootle seems more settled when Lamellae comes in, is pretty unreactive to Milo and Philo's entrance, and seems to react slightly more nervously towards Celium. This seems to solidify Dwarrow's resolve against Celium and confirms his guilt in the dwarf's mind. What followed was a number of hours' discussion between the "jury". They seem to uncover no new evidence, but use the information they already have to argue amongst themselves the cases for Lamellae and Celium, and even for a third party's involvem

Session 51 - Drogan Gets The Munchies

Wed 10th Nov 2021 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 17 - Nightal 17 DR1489 Our "Heroes" head along the river for a while, eventually getting within sight of a small clearing, before a stone archway seeming to lead to another cavern beyond. Alwaith spots a couple of tall mushrooms standing before the archway. Surprisingly, for mushrooms, they seem to be smoking and eating. The party approach the mushrooms, who appear to be standing in a 'fairy circle' of small, green mushrooms, and are swaying slightly. Dwarrow and Devon hang back a bit, while Drogan and Alwaith walk up and greet the mushrooms. The two myconids, who they later find out are named Milo and Philo, are tall, though still medium sized, and are heavily stoned. They, using their telepathic, spore-based conversation, greet the party happily, and offer Alwaith a drag on whatever they are smoking, and a munch on a small, brown cake that they seem to be nibbling on. Alwaith partakes a little, before passing

Session 50 - You Don't Know Who You're F*****g With!

Wed 3rd Nov 20:15 - 23:45 In-game timeline: Nightal 17 - Nightal 17 DR1489 Our "Heroes" finish a short rest after a brief, but damaging, battle with a patch of moss. They spend a while looking around and spot some tracks heading northeast, as well as some older tracks heading northwest across the subterranean river. They decide to follow the freshest tracks across the water. After some walking and scouting through some tunnels and caverns, with the density of spores getting less and less making it a little easier to breathe and to see, they spot light coming from a fire up ahead. Devon scouts and sees a campsite, with a camp fire and a number of tents. There are some creatures looking a little like live versions of the body they found, and burnt, earlier, all seemingly busy around the camp. As Devon tries to get closer to get a better view, he seems to be spotted, so he calls the others over to join him. The group put away their weapons and approach the camp. A voice, in brok