Session 52 - The Verdict
Wed 17th Nov 2021 20:00 - 23:00 In-game timeline: Nightal 17 - Nightal 19 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are considering the evidence for and against Celium and Lamellae in the murder of Legion. They decide to bring in the two suspects, and Milo and Philo, who were "guarding" the entrance at the time of the murder, into Legion's place and see how Pootle reacts to each one. Dwarrow watches Pootle's reaction on each entrance, and reports that Pootle seems more settled when Lamellae comes in, is pretty unreactive to Milo and Philo's entrance, and seems to react slightly more nervously towards Celium. This seems to solidify Dwarrow's resolve against Celium and confirms his guilt in the dwarf's mind. What followed was a number of hours' discussion between the "jury". They seem to uncover no new evidence, but use the information they already have to argue amongst themselves the cases for Lamellae and Celium, and even for a third party's involvem...