
Showing posts from October, 2021

Session 49 - Wipe 'Em Out! Normal Service Is Resumed

Wed 27th Oct 19:45 - 23:15 In-game timeline: Nightal 16 - Nightal 17 DR1489 Our "Heroes" arrive at a vast underground cavern at the end of a relatively recent mineshaft that had been closed up. The cavern is wider and taller than the eyes can see, and is filled with a great variety of mushrooms - some giving out luminescent light which enables the whole party to see, though the slight fog of spores or similar is a little restrictive to seeing any great distance. The party follow a relatively obvious path ahead of them, heading towards the growing sound of running water, trying to avoid destroying any fungi in their path as they go. When they reach a flowing river, they decide to stop and camp for the evening. While resting, a couple of our "heroes" think they spot some movement from the bank on the other side of the river, and while Devon is on watch he sends Nige a-scouting, and the owl comes back reporting only the mysterious word "legs". After a relativ

Session 48 - Let's Not Kill The Giants. Wait, What?!

Wed 20th Oct 20:00 - 23:00 In-game timeline: Nightal 15 - Nightal 16 DR1489 Our "Heroes" return to Mistloch Town after their eventful and informative visit to The Haunt. They decide not to tell the townsfolk about the presence of Gisten and Kai on the Mistloch, but do mention that The Haunt is indeed haunted and that the fisherfolk should avoid the island unless in dire need. Drogan heads to Bronlen at the general store where she bandages his wounds and tends his cuts. He encounters Graine, a male dwarf, who is also getting some cuts and bruises tended. It turns out that Graine led a small group of townsfolk to the Mistloch Mine earlier that day in order to confront the giants who recently moved in there, and tell them to leave - thinking that the giants are the cause of the issue with the rising waters. After threatening the giants, it seems Graine was rewarded with a heavy cuff round the head and sent on his way. Our "Heroes" decide to head to the mine, to see if

Session 47 - Let's Just Go For A Little Swim

Wed 13th Oct 19:45 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 13 - Nightal 15 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are reunited when Dwarrow returns from a night with his betrothed, and revealed that he spent at least some of the night discussing some of the problems around town that they may be able to help with. He seems less worn out after a night with his fiancée than Alwaith, who came down to breakfast somewhat tired after a night of bad dreams. The group are keen to help out and decide to start by looking into the issues that Mistloch has been having with the rising waters. They visit 'Stilts' at the General Store in Settlestone to see what he knows about the supply issues from the nearby town. Stilts is a friendly dwarf and his shop seems pretty well stocked, except for an increasing lack of fresh vegetables. He explains a little about the issues that are happening at Mistloch - rising waters destroying homes and crops and reducing the ability for the fishing fleet to work efficiently.

Session 46 - It Seemed Like A Good Joke At The Time

Tue 5th Oct 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Nightal 10 - Nightal 13 DR1489 With the Players having been away from this campaign for six months, our "Heroes" were having a slightly difficult time remembering what they had done, and why there were here. They also discovered a large sack labelled "Party Loot" that had gone unnoticed for a while and decided to hand around the various scrolls, potions and items that had been acquired in times past and languished long-forgotten. Some items were well-past their printed Best Before dates, but they handed them out anyway. The group also did a bit of shopping, stocking up on essential items - primarily healing potions - and some warm weather gear, as they had a suspicion they would be soon heading for colder climes. Alwaith and Dogan caught up with Ahvain, the high-elvish member of the Council of the Veil they had been in contact with before, and brought him up to date on what they had found out while in Moonfall. Ahvain was