Session 49 - Wipe 'Em Out! Normal Service Is Resumed
Wed 27th Oct 19:45 - 23:15 In-game timeline: Nightal 16 - Nightal 17 DR1489 Our "Heroes" arrive at a vast underground cavern at the end of a relatively recent mineshaft that had been closed up. The cavern is wider and taller than the eyes can see, and is filled with a great variety of mushrooms - some giving out luminescent light which enables the whole party to see, though the slight fog of spores or similar is a little restrictive to seeing any great distance. The party follow a relatively obvious path ahead of them, heading towards the growing sound of running water, trying to avoid destroying any fungi in their path as they go. When they reach a flowing river, they decide to stop and camp for the evening. While resting, a couple of our "heroes" think they spot some movement from the bank on the other side of the river, and while Devon is on watch he sends Nige a-scouting, and the owl comes back reporting only the mysterious word "legs". After a relativ...