
Showing posts from March, 2021

Session 43 - A Lesson In What Happens When You Let Them Get Away

Mon 22nd Mar 19:30 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Uktar 23 - Uktar 23 DR1489 With their new-found insight into the thoughts and feelings of the creatures they are facing, our "Heroes" decide… to continue to kill everything they come across. They lay in wait. And wait some more. Nothing ventures into their hold-out. So they wait a little longer. They open up the chest in the room to reveal some stuff, including some nice silk scarves. Drogan takes a pretty red one and stuffs it in his backpack to give to Hawkeye later. The romance is blossoming! At this point Grarth decides to go and check out the corridor. As he exits the room he almost bumps into a humanoid/bear hybrid, and a werewolf who seemed to be lying in wait for such an event. They manage to get an attack in and Grarth is bitten by the wolf, only to feel 'The Curse' flow through his veins. The fight is tough - Grarth needed to run back into the room to get help for the fight, but the bear and the wolf followed, onl

Session 42 - Fight in the Playground!

Mon 15th Mar 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Uktar 23 - Uktar 23 DR1489 Having descended the impressive stone stairs into the impressive circular stone room, complete with impressive bas-relief carvings, our "Heroes" are impressed.  "Damn fine Dwarven work", says Drogan, still wrongly insisting that these whole ruins are Dwarven in nature. Once the group have adjusted their eyes to the dark, Grarth lights a torch and they all need to adjust once more. They walk up to the stone door at the end of the tunnel. Drogan listens at the door and can hear some muffled voices from beyond but can't quite make out what they are saying. So he opens the door a little in order to hear better. He does hear them better, but he cannot understand what they are saying. So he calls over Alwaith to see if he can make out what the language is. At this point, and for the rest of the session, the DM spent much of his time putting himself into the minds of the creatures in the ruins, and

Session 41 - I Love It When A Plan... Doesn't Quite Work As Intended

Tue 9th Mar 19:45 - 23:15 In-game timeline: Uktar 23 - Uktar 23 DR1489 Our heroes awake, not quite as refreshed as they hoped, as the sun rises over the swamplands. They set off quickly for the Ruins, not wanted to waste any more daylight in these marshes. Arriving at the Ruins they look over the area, which seems strangely dry and barren, upon which the ancient Ruins of An-Sen lie. Grarth seems to think there may be lookouts in at least one of the 4 towers that surround the ruins, and it is clear that the main approach, via a bridge over a river, is very open and obvious to anyone looking out of the tower. So they hatch a plan. Alwaith reveals that he can not only fly, but also turn invisible. And can turn someone else invisible too. The others express surprise at Alwaith's abilities that he seems to drop into conversation every week or so. They decide that sending a couple of invisible people over to scout out the ruins would be a good idea. Devon was the obvious choice, but then

Session 40 - Introducing.... Grarth!

A big, warm welcome to Grarth Mon 1st Mar 19:45 - 23:00 In-game timeline: Uktar 21 - Uktar 23 DR1489 We rejoin what is left of our intrepid group of "Heroes" having carried the dead (but gently reposing) body of Dwarrowsteel back to The Hunter's place. Alwaith has spent the rest of the day (and much of the night) learning better survival techniques and how to track lycanthropes. Drogan falls asleep next to Dwarrow's body. Devon counts his cash. In the morning the debate continues about what to do with Dwarrow's body, and whether to travel to the village to deliver the tangleweed to the villagers. In the end, it was agreed that they should press on directly to the swamp, and ask The Hunter to deliver the herb to the villagers. Dwarrows body was laid in state in The Hunter's house (she wasn't too pleased at having a dead body in her house, but didn't feel like she could complain!) with the instructions to wait for 8 days and if they have not returned to