
Showing posts from December, 2020

Session 33 - Since When Can You F****** FLY?!

Tue 29th Dec 19:45 - 23:00 In-game timeline: Uktar 13 - Uktar 13 DR1489 One of our "Heroes" is currently dangling down a deep shaft, hanging by a rope held by two of his friends, while our other "Hero" peers down into the dark to try to see what may be going on. Suddenly, out of the darkness, Alwaith hears a deep, slow voice, speaking in Draconic, seemingly surprised to be having a late breakfast delivered to him/her via a rope. At this point Alwaith surprises everyone present (including the DM) by sprouting wings and flying quickly back up the shaft back to his stunned "friends", two of whom are picking themselves up from the floor having fallen backwards when the weight on the rope had suddenly disappeared. Amidst grumblings of "That's the last fucking time I help lower you down on a rope, given that you CAN FLY!" from the two dwarves, Alwaith quickly passes on his assumption that there is a dragon down there and maybe they ought to hide. W

Session 32 - Out Of The Frying Pan...

Mon 14th Dec 20:00 - 23:00 In-game timeline: Uktar 10 - Uktar 13 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are finishing off their stay in Neverwinter, where they have levelled up to L6, named their new freight company "Three's Company" and generally spent a lot of time resting, after many of them spent the last couple of weeks either unconscious, exhausted, seasick, or a mixture of all three. Dwarrow commandeers the ruby earrings and ring and asks Drogan to use his jewellery skills to fashion a nice engagement ring for his intended, Silvermoon, and then asks Alwaith to use his raven to send them to her. Finally, our "Heroes" are working as a team! Wanting to contribute to this helpful atmosphere, Devon puts out some feelers to his many and varied contacts in town and manages to find some inexpensive Bracers of Defence - something Drogan has been after for a while now, and sells them to Drogan for the miniscule sum of 40gp! Bargain! After purchasing numerous potions of heal

Session 31 - Anti-Harpy Carrots

Thu 10th Dec 20:00 - 23:45 In-game timeline: Marpenoth 28 - Uktar 10 DR1489 Our "Heroes" are winding down after an eventful 24 hours in the temple of the Clerics of Shar. Having got out of the temple, barely alive, they quickly head back to the old Temple of Tyr where they had left Braydol, the Cleric of Shar / Ilmater that they had left tied up. Having left him unattended for 24 hours, he was no longer tied up, but was still in the temple, waiting for their return, trying to sleep. The party woke him up. After much discussion, a plan was formed to escape the Isle. At first light they headed out, with Braydol, collecting the idol from the Temple of Chantea on the way. With Drogan still exhausted it was slow work, and it took them a few uneventful hours to get back to the big rock at the start of the sand dunes. The group decided to split up, with Devon and Drogan waiting by the rock and Alwaith, Dwarrowsteel and Braydol heading to the quarry to collect the ex-slaves. It prove

Session 30 - Almost As Interesting As Watching Weightlifting

Mon 30th Nov 20:00 - 23:30 In-game timeline: Marpenoth 27 - Marpenoth 28 DR1489 Our "Heroes" were in a difficult position. Many would say brought on by their own actions. Can they escape with all their lives? We shall see…. Having explored into the main temple area of the Clerics of Shar, our group, exhausted and injured, came upon what looked like a ritual in the temple. As two crystal gargoyle statues rose to attack, our "Heroes" finally decided to run away. And they ran in style. Putting as much distance between them and the evil temple as possible, Alwaith and Dwarrow made a decent escape. Devon, who was further into the room when he decided to run, and Drogan, who was so exhausted he was moving at half speed, could not get very far along the wooden platform, with Drogan being slightly behind Devon. And so the gargoyle statues, which flew pretty quickly, were able to reach and attack Drogan, doing a fair bit of damage. As Drogan was reeling from this attack from