
Showing posts from October, 2020

Session 26 - Near-Death From above

Mon 26th Oct 19:45 - 22:45 In-game timeline: Marpenoth 26 - Marpenoth 26 DR1489 Our "Heroes" awake from a night's rest - interrupted for some, restful for others. After a hearty breakfast - they are in no hurry, after all - Drogan leads the way, following the trail left from the fleeing humanoid from the previous night. The trail led to a small clearing in the woods, where there was a camp of around 6 tents, many only makeshift ones, with two people cooking on a campfire. Devon and Drogan managed to stay out of sight, whilst Dwarrow and Alwaith approached the camp and greeted the two, one female human and one male dwarf. During the course of the conversation, Devon was spotted and had to pretend that he had got separated from the group. Drogan managed to stay hidden. Another member of the new group was also wandering in the woods and was spotted by our party, and he too joined the now 6-fold group in the campsite. The new group also mentioned that there was a fourth, who

Session 25 - "Get Down and STAY DOWN!" - Abbey Isle

Mon 19th Oct 19:30 - 23:00 In-game timeline: Marpenoth 18 - Marpenoth 26 DR1489 We rejoin our "Heroes" back in Neverwinter, having scared the puritanical residents of Whitewater silly with some demonstrations of magic and booming sounds of thunder in a cloudless sky. But they did manage to kill (one of) the witch(es?). So they didn't *completely* piss off the townsfolk. Which for this group, is a rare plus. A bit of shopping, and investigating the origins of the blade that Devon received seemingly by mail-order in the post, and, to the great relief of Captain Hawkeye, the naming of the ship, "Silvermoon" (though the new freight company itself is still nameless, which may hamper its ability to win contracts and make money), and the party is ready to set off on the high seas again towards Abbey Isle. Another week at sea produced another storm - a bad one this time - but most of the group are now comfortable at sea. Except Devon, who once again spent half of the jo

Session 24 - "She turned me into a newt!" - The Witches of Whitewater

Sat 26th Sep 14:30 - 19:30 In-game timeline: Marpenoth 15 - Marpenoth 16 DR1489 We rejoin our 'Heroes' after a considerable out-of-game break with them having levelled up to L5. They are currently in Neverwinter, having returned from the Shadow Isle, base of the pirate and slavery ring known as the Radiant Sisters.  Drogan is torn between feeling good about finally getting revenge on the Drow Pirate Captain Bree for killing or enslaving many of his past shipmates, and about causing a large dent in the side of the Radiant Sisters by helping to kill two of the hag sisters who were running the organisation. And feeling bad for not being able to save his past crewmate, Bryn, who may still be on the Shadow Isle, or may have been killed in the battle, and also for learning that his uncle may have been responsible for the pirate raid on his ship in the first place. Drogan paid a visit to his uncle in Neverwinter, but has not told any of the others about what happened at that visit. In

Notes on the Clerics of Shar

 Shar is the location of the main Temple of the Crystal Heart. It is located within the Chult region, and the Cult of the Crystal Heart has generally very little presence on the Sword Coast. Not much is known about the Cult, though it is generally thought to be evil in nature, primarily due to its focus on the necromantic arts.  Followers claim, however, that they are simply easing a soul’s transition to other planes, allowing them to complete unfinished tasks, or spend another few days with a loved one before departing the mortal realm. Critics view this as propaganda, and lies. The Cult worship Velsharoon, a former Lich wizard specialising in necromantic arts, who rose to Godhood. The Cult has mastered the art of necromantic magic, and they use special crystals to focus their energies and magics. The crystals must be Chinz – a rare but otherwise useless, and not very attractive, clear crystal that comes in many different sizes. To allow a Chinz crystal to receive such magic takes a s

Notes on Abbey Isle

The Isle of the Abbey The Isle of the Abbey (aka Abbey Isle, Friendship Isle, Island of the Gods, Benefactor Isle) was colonised over 400 years ago by a group of five acolytes who came from different denominations, but in the spirit of friendship and collaboration they travelled the land to spread all their various ‘words’ and religions, allowing the recipient populations to choose which, if any, religion they wished to adopt. The travelling group made a name for themselves as a symbol of hope, friendship and tolerance in times of war and dispute. They did not give themselves a name, as they felt that would be a symbol of pride, but their supporters and followers became known as the Cyan Revolution, due to their propensity to wear clothing of a pastel blue shade. The original friends were simply referred to as The Five (though their original names were Gothron Minedelve, a dwarf, Eledar Gesharin, an elf, Charin Thomasin, a half-elf, Gisk, a gnome and Harold Greatheart, a human) The Cya