
Showing posts from March, 2020

Beholder Group - "Plans, Plans and more Plans" - Sessions 20, 21, 22, The Eye of Kronos

Sessions 20, 21 and 22 have been combined, as they consisted primarily of planning! Not too much 'flavour text' in this post, it's captured primarily as a reminder of what was found out and the key events.... Session 20 5th Mar 2020, 7:45 – 11:30pm CORRECTED In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleint 15th. End of session, Eleint 18th Summary of Session The group have just finished the Gauntlet Run. They spend the next few days talking to Brighton to find out a bit more about the island, and also manage to train up in some pirating skills – using a grappling hook, climbing a rope, scaling wooden structures etc. They return to the pirate village and try to make themselves useful. Devon gets a job at The Bar, Drogan helps out Midge in the gym, Dwarrow works in the hospital and Alwaith walks around, invisible, trying to suss out the place a bit more. Alwaith visits the Dragon Turtle to talk to it and finds out about how they are controlled Se