
Showing posts from February, 2020

Beholder Group - "Your greatest enemy is yourself!" - Session 19 - The Eye of Kronos

13th Feb 2020, 8:00 – 11:30pm In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleasis 29th. End of session, Eleasis 29th Our “Heroes” are halfway through the Gauntlet Run on Shadow Isle in an attempt to become part of the Radiant Sisters pirate gang, as the best option for escaping the isle. There may be other reasons for being on the island, but for some reason Drogan is keeping those reasons to himself. After the BRAVERY room, where Drogan faced up to a Dragon Turtle, the group entered a room containing a pool of acid. Drogan was able to just about leap across the pool without getting wet and the group quickly worked out that they needed to somehow get a heavy anchor from one side of the pool to the other in order to open the door. Various methods were discussed to try to avoid any of them getting covered in acid. None worked perfectly, so the group opted for a method in which they ALL got covered in acid. Which I guess is fair. If a little wasteful. Dwarrow threw the anchor

Beholder Group - "All Trussed Up" - Session 18 The Eye of Kronos

6th Feb 2020, 7:45 – 11:30pm In-game timeline: Start of session, 1489DR, Eleasis 24th. End of session, Eleasis 29th We rejoin our "Heroes" fresh from an almost disastrous trip aboard the wreck of The Emperor of the Waves" as they are rowed away from the slowly sinking ship. Recriminations amongst the group abound. Mostly from Alwaith, and almost entirely directed towards Drogan. Drogan is, however, too tired to care. They return to the Evening Mist, clamber aboard, and head straight to their bunks to sleep off the trials and tribulations of the previous evening. The following morning Drogan remains in his hammock to sleep some more, whilst the rest ask Captain Ironfist to head for Ruathym, where they can hopefully stock up on much needed supplies before taking on Bree and the rest of their intended mission. Unfortunately Bree had other ideas. The following night, as the group were all asleep in their hammocks, Bree attacked the Evening Mist. Only Alwaith awoke t