
Showing posts from August, 2019

Beholder Group - "Everything's Gotta Die" - Fallen Fortress Session 10

1st Aug 2019, 8:00 – 11:00pm In-game timeline: Start of session, Midsummer’s day +10. End of session, Midsummer’s day +12. An exhausted group of Heroes pick over the spoils of battle. Dwarrowsteel uses a potion of healing on Bella the kidnapped Halfling, restoring her to consciousness, though she is dazed, tired and very pale. Nige the owl is sent to check out the extent of the cavern, and to fly up the hole in the roof of the cavern which is currently letting in some dim light. He returns with a report of no other enemies in sight, and nothing else of interest in the cavern. Alwaith grabs Belak’s staff, and finds around Belak’s neck a black metal amulet in the shape of a stylised sun. Devon finds a piece of translucent paper showing points – one of which is labelled with “Belak – Bord-heim”, and a potion of healing and elixir of health. The large, red pear is recovered from the tree by Dwarrow and carefully stored in his backpack. The party spend some time discussing their ne

The Corruption of the Realms

The Corruption Of The Realms This book is written in an ancient elvish script, that is difficult to fully translate. Spending some time studying the book, however, reveals the following general information.... Back in the year 460 DR there was a total eclipse of the sun in Faerûn which had been long predicted by shamen, but was unusual in that it lasted many days, rather than the usual minutes of such an event, due to a celestial anomaly. Day became night, people panicked in the streets, thinking that a great calamity had befallen them. Kings and Lords lost control, civilizations were disrupted, clan truces fell apart and, in places, mass suicides inflicted family groups. Creatures of the night took advantage of the extended darkness and rampaged across the land. Lycanthropes were the most intelligent of these, and, with the help of other beasts, overthrew cities and empires. This period was known as The Cleansing by those responsible, but as The Corruption by thos